Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We All Have To Eat!!

The first memory I have of cooking was when I was age four. I was in the kitchen with my sisters and Mom. I was standing on a chair asking my Mom what channel she wanted me to set the oven temperature to. She laughed and said, "It's not a T.V.!!" Not long after, I had mastered the settings on the stove and oven, and I was cooking all by myself. No, I wasn't an exceptionally smart and gifted child; I had 3 much older sisters than I, and I grew up fast!!! I can remember cooking as far back as I can remember.

Not long after this memory, I became seriously ill. Surgery after surgery became the norm for me. A hospital room now became my home and if that wasn't bad enough, I had to be isolated. No visitors, no other children coming in and out of my room to say, "Hi."

Eating became a serious issue for me as I refused most everything, only sipping an occasional malt my Mom tried to get down me. I remember her pleading with me, "We all have to eat!!" And me thinking, "Why?" I got down to a dangerously low weight and soon found that my meal, not of choice, was an IV bottle.

We All Have To Eat!
Yes we do, and believe me or not, this isn't a blog about eating issues. Rather, a blog full of recipes that I, as a mom and wife, have mastered. Recipes my family and friends have enjoyed and encouraged me to share. All are "My Recipes." Although they may be just like some you have, or have tried, all have been designed by me and tested. All are recipes I use and would like to share with you. You will even find recipes for your pets. And, yes they have been tested too. No, not by me but by Service Dog, Herbie. Herbie will be blogging too. Sharing his likes and dislikes too.

I hope you try. I hope you share. And most importantly, I hope you enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. I can't wait. I need some new dishes already tested! I can't believe we both got ourselves into this so near the same time. Congratulations,Cyndee, I'll be watching!
    Thanks for the post,I should have known you be first! Karen
